Sexual Assault in Japan
Sexual Assault in Japan

Sexual Assault in Japan

The Background in  Japan

In a recent court ruling in Japan, three former soldiers have been found guilty of sexually assaulting a female colleague. This trial has garnered international attention, shedding light on the issue of sexual violence in Japan. The victim, Reena Gany, made the brave decision to come forward with her accusations, a rare step in a society where speaking out against sexual violence remains largely taboo.

Sexual Assault in Japan
Sexual Assault in Japan

The Verdict

After a long fight for justice, Reena Gany finally received a verdict in her favor. The three dismissed soldiers have been found guilty of sexual assault and have been sentenced to two years of imprisonment, which has been suspended. While this ruling is a step in the right direction, it is important to remember the gravity of the crime committed against Reena and the impact it has had on her life.

Reena Gany’s Story

Reena Gany, a former member of Japan’s ground self-defense forces, had dreams of becoming a judo player and a soldier. However, her aspirations were overshadowed by the harassment she faced within the army. Shortly after joining in 2020, she experienced verbal harassment, inappropriate touching, and remarks about her body. The turning point came in August 2021 when she was pinned down on the ground by three of her colleagues and sexually assaulted, while others watched and laughed.

A Cry for Justice

When Reena Gany reported the assault to her superiors, nothing was done to address the issue. Faced with a lack of support, she had no choice but to leave the army. The emotional toll this took on her cannot be understated. In her own words, she described feeling a great sense of despair and questioning how she could continue living with her body tainted.

A Brave Stand

Despite facing immense backlash on social media, Reena Gany decided to go public with her claims. She took to YouTube and other social platforms to share her story and seek justice. Her efforts have not been in vain. Japan’s defense Ministry issued a public apology to her, recognizing her courage and resilience. She has become a symbol of courage for other survivors of sexual assault, inspiring them to speak out and seek justice.

A Silent Society

However, it is important to acknowledge that Reena Gany’s case is not representative of the broader societal attitude towards sexual assault survivors in Japan. Sadly, the majority of survivors are silenced and shamed into keeping their experiences hidden. According to a survey, a staggering 70% of sexual assault crimes go unreported due to fear and shame. While there have been changes in the law to address this issue, there is still a long way to go in changing societal norms and beliefs.

The Impact of Legal Changes

Earlier this year, Japan’s sex crime laws were overhauled in what was seen as a landmark moment. While these legal changes are crucial, they can only go so far in addressing the deeper issues ingrained in society. It is not just a matter of legislation but also a matter of changing attitudes and beliefs. Many individuals still hesitate to come forward and report sexual assault due to the fear of stigma and shame associated with being a survivor.

A Call for Societal Change

The case of Reena Gany serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need for societal change. It is not enough to rely solely on legal measures to combat sexual assault. It is essential to create a culture where survivors are believed, supported, and empowered to seek justice. By breaking the silence surrounding sexual violence, we can work towards a society that fosters empathy, understanding, and accountability.


The court ruling in the case of Reena Gany and the subsequent guilty verdict for three former soldiers involved in her sexual assault is a significant milestone in Japan. It highlights the importance of addressing the issue of sexual violence and the urgency of creating a society where survivors are heard and believed. While legal changes are essential, true progress will only be achieved through a collective effort to dismantle the culture of silence and shame. By standing with survivors and advocating for change, we can create a safer and more inclusive society for all.

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